Pro; This is a beautiful fragrance, excellent for vanilla lovers

Con; Victoria’s Secret discontinued it : (

Encounter is another perfume that I fell inlove with in the 90’s, following my newfound affair with “Rapture”.  I first purchased this scent in a tiny purse-size bottle that came in a velvet ‘boot’ for gift giving, and fell in love with this fragrance so much that I went back a while later for the larger 1.7 oz.

To this day, I still have a small bottle that came in a set, unused, which I set aside for some special occasions, and eventually I will be trying to find a good deal on a larger bottle again somewhere online. The only CON of this perfume is that is no longer available for purchase in the stores. I MISS having this fragrance for everyday use!!

Encounter is now listed as a rare, discontinued fragrance from VS. This perfume has base notes of vanilla, which are strong but, much like “Rapture,” it is not at all overpowering to me. This scent is not sweet, but it is beautiful. It’s hard to explain it, as this is one you’d have to truly test to experience. To me, it is pure heaven. It is a very unique and beautiful scent that lasts all day or night with no need to re apply. This perfume, in my opinion, can also go for day or night wear.

Unfortunately, because of it’s inavailability in stores now, many sellers are trying to profit *bigtime* by charging absolutely outrageous prices for a single bottle. What was once a bottle of perfume that went for under $50 is now being sold by many for over $100.. Be sure and check around for the best deal if you’re looking to buy this fragrance.

I absolutely loved this fragrance and am sad that for whatever reason VS discontinued it, I certainly can’t understand why! That perfume was prettier than many I come across in the department stores today, to be honest.

1-10 rating (1 bad, 10 outstanding) packaging; 9++, performance; 10+++++