NYX cosmetics; Eyeshadows Sunday, Jan 20 2008 

 Pro; If you love bold colors and/or metallics, but don’t want to pay the high prices of most make up lines that offer these types of shadows, this is an inexpensive alternative!

Con; NYX did recently raise their prices per item, as I found when going into the store recently to purchase more shadows… however, they still remain the less expensive alternative to big cosmetics lines.

Since I am hoping to pursue a career in professional make up artistry, I really love experimenting with new make up techniques and I’m always trying new bold colors and metallics on my eyes. My absolute favorite eye shadow line is MAC. MAC makes the BEST eye shadows, in my opinion, they’re the epitome of hot, new looks in the beauty industry and I have nothing but WONDERFUL things to say about their products. I simply adore them.. however, keeping up with the higher prices can sometimes be an unrealistic goal for me when my budget is low. :* (

 This is why I have taken to finding more reasonably priced alternatives to my favorite cosmetics. And in my search, I found NYX eye shadows to be a wonderful alternative. They recently hiked their prices per item, I found when shopping for new shadows, however even at $2.99 to $3.50 per color, or averaging about $4.99 for a three/four color palette (depending on what store you shop at), I still think they’re a great buy for a great product! Don’t let the low price fool you, though, these eye shadows are amazing if you’re looking for that high fashion, bold look.

The colors come out bold and beautiful, with a hint of sparkle, and they last throughout the majority of the day or evening. I have some of the ‘chrome’ colors, which are loose powder eye shadows, in yellow, green and pink just to start off. I was very happy with all of the colors, and found they were everything I’d hoped when I got them. They went on easily, the powder didn’t end up all over my face during the application (of course consider that I was careful as well), and they blended easily together with great ease! I also purchased a flat pan shadow of metallic gold from NYX and was equally impressed with how beautiful this shadow went on and looked throughout the day! All I can say is wow! : )

 NYX also offers lipsticks, glosses, blush, eye pencils, glitters, false eyelashes (they even have ones with rhinestones if you’re looking for ultra-glam!), brushes, foundations and concealers from what I saw. They also have a website (nyxcosmetics.com) where you can find store locations that carry their products. If you’re looking for hot, beautiful, bold eye shadow shades that are a good alternative to those popular shades made by companys such as MAC make up, then look into NYX eye shadows!

 1-10 rating (1 bad, 10 outstanding) packaging; 5, product performance; 10+

Victorias Secret “Beauty Rush” lip glosses Thursday, Dec 20 2007 

Pro; long lasting and pretty, a little will go a long way

Con; Pricey per tube ($7 ea.) unless you get them on sale! (*however*, for those spending $20+ on lip glosses in dept. stores, this price may actually be a PRO)

Victorias Secret “beauty rush” lip gloss line is two thumbs up in my opinion. I bought four when they were on sale last Christmas, and still have and use them now. I chose three with a sparkly shimmer, and one a sheer, pale pink tone with no shimmer. I am equally happy with all of them!

The colors are mostly, that I have seen, sheer/nearly transparent, and with a subtle sparkle/shimmer, with the exception of a few that offer no shimmer. The darker toned pinks are richer in color, but remain sheer. The corals offer a more peachy/flesh toned hint of color, and the lighter pink is nearly transparent except for the shimmery sparkle. The plain gloss with a hint of pink is just that, it deepens the color of natural lips and has a beautiful shine.

All of the glosses I own and have been using have great lasting power and there doesn’t seem to be a need to touch up too frequently, unless of course I was eating or drinking. A little goes a long way so they also will last you a while if you’re mindful of how much you’re putting on. There’s no need to pack these glosses on, they go on a bit heavy anyway. The sparkly ones aren’t too over the top, either, in my opinion. And did I mention the scent/tastes that accompany these glosses? YUM. All of them have a yummy name which is pretty much the light scent you smell once you put them on, you will also taste for example a very sweet and yummy taste of “cupcake” if you buy the “cupquake” gloss from VS “Beauty Rush”.

They go on heavier and last longer than the “Dessert beauty/Sweet Kisses” line by Jessica Simpson, so if you’re a fan of her scent/taste stuff but wanted something that would last, this is the way to go. These glosses also look great over lipsticks if you prefer. I’ve tried wearing the glosses over nude lips and over lipsticks, and think both ways are just beautiful.

The only con of these glosses is that they’re something like $7 a tube, so look for VS sales and specials, and then stock up, or try ebay!

1-10 rating (1 bad, 10 outstanding) Product packaging; 9, Product performance; 10++

Benefit Lip Plump Thursday, Dec 20 2007 

Pro; does ‘fill’ lines in your lip and gives a fuller look to your lips when lipstick and/or glosses are applied

Cons; This particular one is flesh toned, kind of like a concealer, so it looks better under a solid lipstick color than it does under a sheer or a transparent gloss alone

Benefit lip plump is a pretty good product. It doesn’t sting or tingle like some ‘plumping’ glosses do, and I definitely don’t prefer that. I noticed with continued use that this product looks far better underneath a solid color lipstick rather than any type of a sheer lipstick or transparent gloss, because the ‘lip plump’ is the color tone of a concealer and goes on that way. It just looks better if you’re wearing a regular lipstick over it. You can apply a gloss over the lipstick, still, and that will look even better.

 Overall, the ‘lip plump’ does it’s job, it fills the lines in your lip, creating the illusion of fuller, thicker lips once you’ve let it set and dry, and have applied a lipstick over it. I was happy with mine, especially because there was no annoying discomfort which is usually associated with the tingly glosses that also tend to evaporate quickly as well! 

1-10 rating (1 bad, 10 outstanding) product packaging; n/a, product performance; 9+ 

Signature Club A no transfer Foundations (Sticks) Thursday, Dec 20 2007 

Pro; This foundation does look good on if you don’t have sensitive skin

Con; If you have sensitive or acne prone skin, test it out first! Also a bit heavy, you need to take more time to blend properly.

I have quite a few of the Signature Club A “no transfer” foundation sticks, mainly in the black and the pearl-toned white tubes. The black foundation sticks I have come with a moisturizing core in the middle of the stick. The pearlescent white foundation sticks I have do not, but rather have swirls of different tones of color. I have acne breakouts quite often and it seems I’m very sensitive to different products out there, and this product seems to irritate my skin a great deal. I was excited to give these a try when I first got them, however I noticed that every time I used them, I got worse breakouts within days of using those foundations, even when I applied the foundation with a new sponge instead of applying the stick directly to my face.

Just wearing the foundation all day or evening, I would wash my face thoroughly at the end of the day/night and wake up the next morning, each time, with new breakouts. This has been a regular occurance each and every time I try using these sticks again. My guess is there’s something in their ingredients that I’m either sensitive to, or just plain allergic to. : ( And it’s a shame because the foundation really does look very good on! It offers great coverage and gives a flawless look, just make sure you take the time to blend it thoroughly as it is a bit heavy and will show ‘smears’ otherwise.

My suggestion is to opt for a lighter weight, non-irritating foundation if you’re acne prone and/or sensitive to most products like I am. Otherwise, if you don’t have these problems.. #1, you’re LUCKY, and #2, you can definitely give Signature Club A’s “No Transfer” foundation a try!

1-10 rating (1 bad, 10 outstanding) Packaging; N/a, Product Performance; 4

Jessica Simpson Dessert Beauty/Sweet Kisses line (Fragrance & cosmetics) Thursday, Dec 20 2007 

Jessica Simpsons “Dessert Beauty” and “Sweet Kisses” line.

 Pro; Light fragrances smell great, taste as good as they smell. Lip glosses taste great, pretty on.

Con; The fragrances have no lasting power, so they’re not really that great for all-day or all-night wear. Lip gloss is average, doesn’t last that long on.

Because I am a big Jessica Simpson fan and I love her fashion sense, I have followed her product lines over time and collected a good number of her “Dessert Beauty” and “Sweet Kisses” lines. Many of the items I have not opened, and don’t intend to, I’m keeping them for collecting only. The one’s that I have opened, however, I can comment on from my personal experience. I love the fragrances and the packaging, for one. The Dessert treats “Cupcake” and “Candy” fragrances which I have used are sweet and pretty when just put on, they smell just like their names, and they would be GREAT if they had lasting power. I notice, though, that the scent wears off shortly after applied. My boyfriend, however, complimented on the taste on my neck long after the application, so I guess it’s good for impressing someone you love! The taste is exactly like the scent, as well, and its not at all unpleasant. The same would go for the lip gloss, when applied it’s shimmery and sheer, the scent and taste are exactly like the name titles. However, the glosses I’ve tried don’t have much lasting power, either.

 The sweet kisses fragrances are about the same, I’ve used the “Creme Brulee” and the “Strawberry Sorbet” perfumes, body shimmer mists, and body lotions. The perfume is sweet when first sprayed but doesn’t last very long, however the taste does, and it’s pleasant. The body shimmer mist is pretty, leaves a little glittery look behind but not too much, and I’m very impressed with that. Since it’s a body mist, I don’t expect it to be too strong or lasting, as most body sprays usually aren’t. It doesn’t linger too long, but just like the rest of the line, the taste does linger and is pleasant.

 The lotions, however, I have to rave a bit about! I love the way they go on and the scent lasts a bit longer than the fragrances do, for some reason! Maybe it’s just me.. But I LOVE the lotions. They not only smell great, but they taste great too, and it lasts much longer (at least on me).

Far as I know, most of the lines have ended up on clearance racks in many stores and last year I bought a good number of the items whenever I found the sales on them. Nowadays you can find stuff all over the net, just be aware of what they retailed for and how much you’re paying for the items. Overall, it’s not a practical line for everyday wear or if you’re looking for a long-lasting signature scent.. but if you like the whole taste/smell thing, and want to impress your significant other, this would be a good line to try!

 1-10 rating (1 bad, 10 outstanding).. packaging 10, product quality (overall); 5